Grouse Goujons: My top tip for making these is to use a Cajun spiced rub with the breadcrumbs to add some flavour. This really appeals to the kids, as it’s almost a game version of KFC – they love it!
Grouse Bon Bons: I’m a huge fan of my Grouse Bon Bons for the same reason. My children love them and they can also be used as a great Elevenses dish at a shoot too. It’s best to use the leg meat for these and I like to give a nod to the heritage of the Grouse, as a northern bird, by rolling the cooked confit leg meat with haggis and a bit of mash to help bind it. Once together, I would make these in inch-sized balls, cover with double Panko breadcrumbs and deep fry. Serve with savoury blackberry chutney, or puree of beetroot or any other root vegetable puree to be honest works very well – delicious!
One of the tastiest parts of the grouse is the leg meat, especially when used with a nice rub. I would recommend a Jamaican Jerk or a BBQ flavoured rub. These can be stuck on to a skewer and simply barbequed for 3 minutes each side before serving with a crunchy chicory and breakfast radish slaw salad. More recently, I’ve been adding a 5-spice rub to crisping up in the oven serving with julienne of cucumber, spring onions and Chinese pancakes, hoisin sauce.
Let’s not forget the breast, which is such a delight, lightly cooked to preserve the moisture. Personally I serve pink, again with its intense flavour I would pair with things like, Blackberries, figs, carrots, and beetroots all work very well.
My little secret treat to myself, is to keep the liver and heart which I would dice with banana shallots, wild mushrooms and quickly pan fry dropping in a touch of double cream and grain mustard at the end serve on sourdough toast, if your lucky and have truffle to hand shave some over the top, or truffle scented oil works too.
We have a fantastic selection of new recipes for grouse, as well as Mallard, Partridge, Pheasant for later in the season, over on Eat Wild. These are easy to follow and explore different ways of using these delicious game birds. Visit: www.eatwild.co/recipes.